What does a 2-way integration mean?
We only offer room upgrades to guests that are available
Once the guest buys an upgrade we modify the room type linked to the reservation in MEWS
We add the supplement to the bill in MEWS
Oaky leaves a note for the front desk mentioning that for this guest the reservation is upgraded by Oaky.
Setup the Room Upgrades
In this article, we will explain
- How to enable the 2-way integration for room upgrades in Mews and on Oaky
- How to work with the 2-way integration
- Some potential errors you could run into and how to deal with them.
A: Configuring the 2-way integration in Mews
Part 1: Log into your Mews > Go to Settings > Services > Click on Stay > Scroll down to Options and then click on the Options field to ensure that “Has overridable price” is selected. This should be the default setting, if “Has overridable price” is not enabled, please make sure you enable it and then click on Save at the bottom of the page. This will ensure that the prices in Oaky will be pushed into Mews and 'override' the Mews product price.
Part 2: Creating a Room Upgrade Product
While on the Stay page:
Click on Products
Then Click on the + icon and Select Product - Name the new product “Oaky Room Upgrade”
Select the relevant Accounting and Rebate Accounting Category
Click on Product Options and disable (untick) Offer to Customer and Offer to Employee (as you want this product to be available only via Oaky)
Then go to Tax Rate and ensure you select a Tax VAT, Charging “Nightly” and a "Consumed at" posting option > click on "Create" to save the changes.
Important to note when creating products for Oaky is that you need to select a Tax.
Please be aware the settings in Oaky are at all times leading, meaning the 2-way will push the information from Oaky directly to MEWS without changing the currency rate.
For example, 1 € in Oaky will be pushed as 1 $ in your MEWS.
Once you are done with completing the above steps, head over to Oaky, where you can complete the next steps of the setup.
❗ PLEASE NOTE: Add a short name for the room category as shown below for the 2-way room upgrade to work, as Oaky can only use the short name from MEWS.
B: The setup in Oaky via the integrations page
Go to Hotel Setting > Integrations and click on the Mews button
Please select the service from Mews that is linked to the "Stay" of the guest. This will make sure guests will only see room types in Oaky that are available.
Please select the product from Mews that you have created in Mews to represent Oaky room upgrades. The service that you have created in Mews should have the option "overridable price" enabled. This will make sure Oaky will add the correct product and supplement to the guests' bill in Mews when ordering a room upgrade in Oaky.
Enable Get room type availability Enabling this setting will ensure that we only offer upgrades that are actually available. When there's a limited offer available, Oaky will add a label 'just XXX left!' to the room upgrades when the guest sees the upgrade in Oaky. The label appears when there are 8 or fewer rooms available. Having this enabled is vital so that the system knows when to accept an incoming request, or when not to show a room upgrade in case it is not available.
Please select the department that should get notified in Mews when a guest upgraded his room. This note will appear as a task and as a note in the order section of the guest in Mews.
Once you are done, you should now be able to see a new row under "Modify Reservations" and enable this, so Oaky can modify Mews with the upgrade requests. Finally, click on Save. This is the final step you need to take in Oaky to enable the 2-way integration.
C: The 2-way room connection - How does it work?
Now that we've set up the 2-way integration, we will see what happens when a guest requests an upgrade via Oaky. So let's head over to your Mews account.
1. When a guest clicks on room upgrades in the guest app, Oaky gets the room type availability from Mews.
2. When a guest clicks on an upgrade in the Oaky guest app and the two-way integration is configured in the Oaky dashboard, Oaky will update the room type for that reservation in Mews. In Mews you can check the room type here:
3. Oaky will add the “Oaky Room Upgrade” product in Mews to the bill of the guest that upgraded the room together with the supplement price:
4. Oaky adds a note to the room upgrade order of the guest in Mews and creates a task when this is configured in the Oaky dashboard.
5. Oaky sends a confirmation email of the room upgrade to the guest if the approved email is enabled in the Oaky dashboard
6. Oaky sends an email to the hotel that a guest requested a room upgrade if the “requested deal or room upgrade” is enabled in the dashboard.
If somehow one of those steps fails after the guest has requested a room upgrade, Oaky will send an error message to the hotel with follow-up steps.
D: Possible error messages
E. Important notes
The room type you have set up in Mews must also be the same in Oaky, if not the room upgrade is not visible when the 2-way integration is enabled. If the room types do not match in Oaky, please reach us via live chat.
Only hotel rooms that are known in Mews should be added in the admin panel, not from other systems like booking.com
If there are multiple hotel rooms added to one room upgrade then it will combine the availability of those rooms on the same level. And it will submit to Mews the one with the highest availability.
📢 NEW: On-Demand (1.5 way) & Dynamic Pricing for Room Upgrades
With the Mews integration improvement, it is now possible to set the on-demand (1.5way) for room upgrades as well as the dynamic pricing from PMS. We recommend the article: On-Demand for Room Upgrades & Services on how to enable the on-demand room upgrade feature in your dashboard.
Dynamic Pricing from PMS
Dynamic pricing is a fluctuating price for a specific room upgrade. The supplement rates are calculated based on the rate code received in the reservation.
Oaky gets the rates based on the rate code provided in the reservation for the current (upgrade from) and upgrade (upgrade to) room types.
Oaky calculates the average supplement for both room types (SUM all collected prices and divided by nights of stay) to calculate the upgrade supplement per room type.
Oaky checks if there is a dynamic pricing discount % set up.
Based on the above calculations - Oaky displays the room upgrades with the dynamic pricing rates.
Mews Dynamic Pricing also allows multiple rates handling and no rate code mapping is required.
You can refer to below article for detailed instructions on setup and functionality. |
Your Room Price Matrix is the default fallback for the supplement rates in case Oaky doesn't receive the dynamic supplement rate from the PMS. The rates fallback on the Room Price Matrix when:
if the calculated price is negative
You can tell if the upgrade price was calculated based on the dynamic pricing from the PMS or the Room Price Matrix by the text under the received price (PMS Price / Room Price Matrix):
if the calculated price is 0, Oaky will offer the price at 0
No room upgrade will be offered:
if the booking doesn't have a room type assigned
if there is no availability for the current and/or upgraded room types for any of the nights of stay