Enable 2-way services
The two-way services in Oaky means that guests will only see the deals that are not on their reservation already (e.g. Breakfast, Parking, etc.), and if these guests request one of the services in Oaky, it automatically gets approved and added to their bill in MEWS.
The 2-way services work only for service products under Stay (or Accommodation, depending on your version of Mews).
⚠️Important to note:
When adding a new Product, always select Has overridable price under Options.
You need to select a Tax.
Please be aware the settings in Oaky are at all times leading, meaning the 2-way will push the information from Oaky directly to MEWS without changing the currency rate.
For example, 1 € in Oaky will be pushed as 1 $ in your MEWS.
If you have two currencies set in MEWS, you can change the currency assigned in the service created in MEWS to match this information.
Before we enable the 2-way services feature, few things to keep in mind:
⚠️MEWS does not have the following Oaky price types:
Price per room
Price per Piece per day
Price per piece throughout the stay
For these Oaky deals, you will have to make the price type "Charge Once" in MEWS for the 2-way to work.
The following are the price types in Oaky and MEWS
Oaky Price Type | Mews Charging Type |
Price per person per night throughout stay | Per Person Nightly (PerPersonPerTimeUnit) |
Price per night throughout stay | Nightly (PerTimeUnit) |
Price per piece Price per room Price per person Price per piece per day Price per person per night |
Once |
Now that you understand the different price types in MEWS and Oaky, let see how we can set up the MEWS Oaky 2-way services.
MEWS Product Mapping into Oaky
Go to Hotel Settings>Integrations> and click on the MEWS icon.
Scroll to the bottom where it says "TWO WAY SERVICE", here you should be able to see all the deals in Oaky, the Oaky price type and the associated MEWS product (and the corresponding price type in MEWS).
Now click on the box under the MEWS product to see which Oaky deal you can link to a MEWS product. As a measure of the check, Oaky will only show the MEWS products with the same price type as Oaky in this drop-down box. If you are unable to find a corresponding MEWS product it is because the product is not set up in MEWS or the Oaky and price types do not match. In this case please create a new product in MEWS or change the price type in MEWS.
Important: when creating a new product in MEWS, please make to select a tax % in the product for the 2-way integration to work.
Working with the 2-ways services.
If the Quantity is enabled deal confirmation type in Oaky, we still take the # of people in the reservation from MEWS. This means that if 2-way is configured, there is no need to ask for the quantity anymore.
If the Oaky deal is configured with a PER PERSON price type and the Quantity confirmation is enabled for this deal, we take the number of people in the reservation for the quantity.
If the Oaky deal has a Price per piece type and QTY confirmation is not enabled, we take 1 as the default quantity. E.g. of a deal could be Bicycle Rental
If the Oaky deal has a Comment label enabled and the guest leaves a comment in it, this comment gets added as a ''Task'' for the day of consumption of the deal.
If the two-way services are not set up for a deal in Oaky, the front office will still have to approve/reject the deal.
Note: We do not import Meal Plan Codes from MEWS, so for example you want exclude a guest who booked a breakfast deal on the reservation to see a breakfast deal on Oaky, you will have to use Rate Codes.
How are the 2-way deals processed?
When an Oaky deal is correctly set as a 2-way deal, it will appear automatically as Approved on the Oaky dashboard's Request Overview page. A 2-way deal will only be displayed with a Pending status if there was an error. In such a situation, the hotel will receive an email that the request needs to be processed manually.
👉 To Note: In case a 2-way Deal gets manually approved in Oaky it will not automatically update in MEWS. Manually approved 2-way deals in Oaky have to also be manually updated in MEWS.
Current Limitations
We do not recommend activating the 2-way for a service that you cannot always accept, like early check-in, late check-out or other deals that have an inventory limit. This is because Oaky does not take availability into account here.
Note: Oaky will check the room type availability for Early Check-in and Late Check-out deal before approving the request.
1.5 way deals (Manual Approval)
1.5 deals are deals where you still want to control the approval of a deal e.g. for a deal with limited availability early check-in or late-check out, but want it to be automatically added to MEWS.
Follow the below steps:
Enable the "Manual Approval" toggle
This way you can manually approve the deal in Oaky dashboard and it will still get added to MEWS
Disabling the connection:
Go to Hotel Settings>Integration>MEWS>Disable.